Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! Wave 3 Payment Plan
- We are offering a payment plan option for orders of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! Wave 3 figures. The payment plan will break your purchase into 4 separate payments (inclusive of shipping costs) and will be managed by Shop Pay Installments.
- Only credit cards can be used for payment plan orders.
- The initial pre-order payment will be 25% of the total order amount which will also serve as a non-refundable deposit towards the order. The 3 remaining payments of 25% each will follow every 2 weeks. Payments will be based on the date when you place your initial order and subsequent payments will be 4 weeks later (i.e. If you order on November 16th, your next payment will be on/about November 30th, your third on/about December 14th and final payment on/about December 28th). All 4 payments will be inclusive of the shipping costs for the order.